Saturday, 23 March 2019

The final tweets

  1. Danger! Monsanto/Bayer Moving to Genome Edit Fruits and more:
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    ISIS World Cup Squad

  3. Every single individual, male, female, young, old, in camp is a danger to humanity and should be executed. The is showing way too much leniency allowing the camp to exist.
  4. responsible for death of another baby. This in addition to the thousands that she has helped to murder by promoting the military arm of the . .
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    Today is the the day officially lost its mind ( having lost its bottle some time ago) Its now an OFFENCE to pass a motion supporting The exMayor of Sunderland is suspended for sharing my interview. And the state EHCR mounts a “major investigation”/
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    Replying to 
    Varadkar is cheered on by the anti Irish abortion crowd, we opened up our nation to immigrants ,Varadkar is the son of an imigrant, he became leader of Ireland and this is how as an imigrant he repays the Irish by blatantly destroying our Irish identity and culture
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    Man rapes 3 year old daughter repeatedly, transitions, gets 18 months which he will serve in a women’s prison.
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    Owen, women’s sports isn’t yours to offer up or give away and if sex isn’t binary when are you going to get down with man-gina? Note: leave women’s sports alone. If some males don’t want to compete against other males, sounds like it’s a problem that MALES need to sort out. No?
  10.   Retweeted
    The Knew about and covered up the mass rapes of our children for decades ladies and gentleman.

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    Wait. So “people of colour” is a thing but “coloured person” isn’t? Go fuck yourselves.
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    Robinson produces a highly damning docu exposing the BBC's corruption. A day later his Facebook is shut down. Then a group of men turn up at his to terrorize his children. Now the British state hauling him back to Court again. This is Persecution!
  13.   Retweeted
    The legendary (died AD 60), queen of the Iceni people of England. Suffered violence at the hands of occupying Roman forces and responded by leading a major uprising against her attackers. Depicted in art here by John Opie.
  14.   Retweeted
    I've only seen the 1st part of & so far I've got 2 main questions. How come no one thought it was wierd that he was always hanging around with kids & leaving hotels & planes with them? What the actual FUCK was wrong with the parents?! Criminal stupidity! 😣
  15. Of course David 'racist bigot' Lammy takes offence! Its what the professional victim does. is pretty much mandated, but is offensive!! How about ignore the skin tone, stick to calling Rudd, Lammy, Abbott etc what they are - pathetic parasitic idiots

  16. In Britain, where knife crime is out of control, where the govt ignores the democratic vote of the people to leave the EU, Amber Rudd (an MP apparently) is in trouble for calling another MP a (offensive we are told, although isn't)!
  17.   Retweeted
    I've been sent a press release from a European faith-based organisation - too scared even to out themselves as Christian - opposing surrogacy as modern exploitation of women and children. If I write about it am I going to get the Posie Parker treatment?
  18.   Retweeted
    This is what happens when you believe the lie that gender is a construct..... Confusion all the way.

  19.   Retweeted
    Bring back and M0 to strip power from the Bank International Settlements and the corrupt international banking cartel which feeds off Nation States and uses debt as the control mechanism. Poverty could be solved but in bed with the bankers.
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    When someone, ie Jeremy Corbyn, talks about root causes, it generally means blaming anyone other than the perpetrators, who are part of the victim demographic.
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    It means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING because nobody can define gender as anything other than a. Stereotypes b. An inside feeling that you are definitely a thing which has no definition and not the other thing that has no definition. Get back to us when you are ready to talk about SEX pls

  23.   Retweeted
    Got a ? Would it surprise you to learn that is you who pays your employer every day? This 3 minute video explains how you are robbed and every day (you may need to watch twice)! create all wealth, accumulates it.
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    Criticising Israel is not AS. They are not a special nation! IF actions unlawful, as UN suggest, they are indeed liable to criticism. Netinyahoo was also videoed shaking hands with ISIS soldiers in Israeli hospitals? AS CLAIMS attempts to stop TRUTH!
  26.   Retweeted
    WATCH | The late, great Tony Benn addressing the Oxford Union in 2013: "When I saw how the EU was developing it was very obvious that what they had in mind was not democratic. They're building an empire and they want us to be a part of it - I don't want that!"
  27.   Retweeted
    '"What is most disturbing is that after a year on blockers, a significant increase was found in the first item “I deliberately try to hurt or kill self"' Unpublished evidence shows that "puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria". This is a bombshell piece, please read!

  28.   Retweeted
    Dear Heidi You are not a “victim”. You are a woman in a position of power and responsibility. You were elected on a manifesto which you have refused to honour, for a party which you have left. People less powerful than you are frustrated by your actions. Please reflect on this.

  29.   Retweeted
    So the ghastly Mail is informing it's readers that there will be no avocados after Brexit. Avocados are NOT grown in any EU country. They come from Israel South America etc more disinformation
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    Matteo puts the facts on the table about fake in the European Parliament He reminds that friend lead a govt in Luxembourg that was a Tax Haven for the rich and harmful for the working and middle class

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    Bourgeois professors have tried to make use of the concept of equality to accuse us of wanting to make all men equal to one another, accusing socialists of an absurdity which they themselves invented. But Marxists cannot be held responsible for the stupidity of bourgeois writers.

  33.   Retweeted
    It is time we understood that Marxism is an enemy of equalisation. Already in the Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx and Engels scourged primitive utopian socialism and termed it reactionary because it preached “universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form.”

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Banned for defending Women. We Fight on.

"The whole gender dysphoria thing is a crock of crap.  We have these sexually awakened kids between 3 and 12 yrs old already claimin...