- BBC peddling Leave propaganda by showing the #EU is a complete shit show in its doc #InsideEurope I am appalled that facts instead of the usual #NoDeal scaremongering bollocks are being broadcast.
- The United States Crusade Against Communism is a Campaign Against Development https://elpidiovaldes.wordpress.com/2018/10/08/the-united-states-crusade-against-communism-is-a-campaign-against-development/ … via @ElpidioValdes
- U.S. Embassy 5 Point Strategy for Venezuela https://elpidiovaldes.wordpress.com/2019/01/22/u-s-embassy-5-point-strategy-for-venezuela/ … via @ElpidioValdes
- You RetweetedVenezuela’s oil and the geopolitics of the US-backed coup - World Socialist Web Site http://ow.ly/6ZYh30nwI5U
- You RetweetedSeems even the grave of #KarlMarx is a threat to some. With or without his headstone, the genie of socialism is out of the bottle. It’s never going back. Humanity’s future is #communism or oblivion. There’s no third way. @CPGBML @BrumWorker
- You RetweetedIdentity politics is based on identity. Marxism is based on materialism. You can't support IDpol and be a Marxist, they are mutually exclusive. #NeedsToBeSaid
- You RetweetedAnd everyone just goes along with this insanity, humoring these delusional males—who everyone knows by now demand constant "validation"—cos it's easier that way. No one wants a big scene (à la GameStop dude), get written up by media as "transphobic" & attacked by online hate mobs https://twitter.com/zorromoho/status/1092309002648764417 …This Tweet is unavailable.
- You RetweetedJust a reminder, my gender critical forum is still up and waiting for you. :) https://www.genderhammer.com
- You Retweeted
- You RetweetedORDER?? the British Press - listen numbnuts, we do NOT take orders from you - Shengen causing problems is it! Europe orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims http://dailym.ai/2dRSjvX via @MailOnline
- You Retweetedhttps://www.cpgb-ml.org/2019/02/02/news/trump-is-gods-gift-that-keeps-on-giving-but-to-whom/ … Trump’s running of US imperialism is replete with own goals, causing almost as much pain to his own side as to that of his opponents. #Trump #US #imperialism
- SMPBI: Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 47 https://socialistmotherlandparty.blogspot.com/2019/02/socialist-quotes-for-sunday-reflection.html?spref=tw …
- You Retweeted
- Video shows Israeli officer shooting at Palestanians protesters right before a sniper shot at him in Gaza. Israel claimed the "attack on a group of IDF officers was unprovoked". This video shows otherwise
- You Retweeted#GiletsJaunes Acte XII #Toulouse. Member of the Toulouse Observatory of Police Practices (OPP) injured in the face by police shooting LBD40 rubber bullets. OPP reported "iOperations, are disproportionately and indiscriminately using weapons of war in their possession."
- You RetweetedI am a transwoman and I am also a scientist. Sex is a biological fact. I am male. Wish I wasn't, but I cannot and will not base my life on magical thinking. @Lachlan_Edi is right.
- You Retweeted'I am not pro-Brexit, I am pro-democracy and the people of this country said that they wanted Brexit.' @BarryGardiner However you voted, democracy should be respected! Respect the 17.4 million people. #Democracy
- You RetweetedAs if a bunch of wet middle-class lettuces are going to riot if they can't get lettuce in the winter for one year. The "great lettuce and avocado riots of 2019", "the queen stole my avocado". Desperate, desperate, desperate stuff. x
- You Retweeted@SMPBritIsles This especially means that The European Union is not the bastion of "Freedom and Democracy" as so many would love to claim. But rather it is a bastion of GREED, OPPRESSION and especially WANTON TYRANNY. Enough. Is. ENOUGH. #YellowVests
- You Retweeted@SMPBritIsles #Antifa is the DEFINITION of a Organization made for the suppression and the oppression of Working People's everywhere! YELLOW VESTS. RISE UP!
#YellowVests #GiletsJaunes
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- You Retweeted
#Gender is bullshit. It's #stereotypes. It's regressive. It acts like a #Cult. It's a #SocialContagion. It's medicalizing children for life (short lives!) instead of allowing them to grow up gender-nonconforming and often homosexual. Stop the madness. #DropTheT
- You RetweetedLondres: Movimiento de solidaridad con Venezuela protesta a las afueras de la BBC, contra el golpe imperialista en marcha. @NicolasMaduro @maduro_en @CancilleriaVE @MFAVenezuela @jaarreaza @yvangil @planwac @HOVcampaign @RCGFRFI @gpp_uk @Moncaro @CPGBML
- You RetweetedComrade Teresita Vicente Sotolongo, Cu
- ba’s ambassador to Britain, will be addressing this meeting of the Stalin Society, which is marking the 60th anniversary of the Cuban revolution. https://www.cpgb-ml.org/events/stalin-society-cuba-60/ … #Cuba #revolution
- You Retweeted#bagpipesyes #thelastleg No surprise Alistair Campbell is skilled at controlling hot air, wind and whining sounds wind given the number of politicians he's trained.
- You RetweetedAye because the Spar at the bottom of my road is bunged full of 'proper butter from Brittany'. Who are these people?
https://twitter.com/brightonborn/status/1090949259690762241 …
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